Our story
ICASAT was born as a student proposal at the Centro de Investigación en Ciencia Aplicada y Tecnología Avanzada Unidad Querétaro with the support of the centre's researchers and professors.
So far, ICASAT has two previous editions, working with renowed publishers such as IEEE and Springer. Until now, the author's contributions are published in two Conference Proceedings with nearly 4000 accesses and 20 citations.
Previous editions

ICASAT 2019 featured technical paper presentations, posters and workshops with the participation of students, researchers and industrial personalities interested in the upcoming technologies such as Big Data, Sustainable Engineering, 4.0 industrial applications.
You can read all the articles here.

This Conference was a multidisciplinary space and served as a platform to share and learn about the frontiers in the knowledge between different areas related to the new trends in sustainable engineering. In this Conference engineers, researchers and academic community shared their works with a multidisciplinary approach to solve the upcoming challenges in the world.
You can read the articles here.